Fresh takes on fringe thoughts and compelling contemplations
Thoughts On Remote Island Living: London via Alphonse
Sometimes the life of a scribbler does pay off – it brought me to the Alphonse Island, and that was consciousness-expanding.
A Sense of Belonging: On Origin Stories, Memory, Identity
To what extent do we feel connected to our roots, our past, our lineage? As humans we crave context…
Rebel Yell! What If We Put More Clothes On?
Up and down on public escalators my eyes flicker over endlessly supine forms, repeated with the shoving insistence of propaganda…
Guest Stars: The Influence of Fleeting Friendship
Life seldom adheres to order, especially in the theatre…
On Breakfast Clubs & Forming Tastebuds
Like a well-oiled machine, your parents held the door open and fed you to the belly of the city. In return, you got breakfast and a little bit braver…
Rebel Yell! What Are You Thinking?
Fast thinking Gets Things Done. But it is also the mental equivalent of jumping from cloud to cloud, going through never-ending levels of a video game that can only lead to the grave…
The Crafty Arts of Chromatic Selling & Subliminal Messaging
We see a multitude of cavalcading colour everywhere, and nobody knows how to use it better than marketing gurus...
Diary 2: Psychopaths, Closer Than You Think
The popular perception of a psychopath might still be the knife-wielding maniac, but Hare has challenged this view with his study of corporate psychopathy…
Face Off: The Invisible Enemy
London is the most surveilled city in the world after Beijing, and proportionally to population size, the UK has as many surveillance cameras as China…
Diary 1: Youth Violence and Music in ‘The Nine’
While London gentrifies and bleaches the diasporic palate of the area, the East London drill scene is at the very least, transcribing our history...
Earth Day Special: the Third Life of Paper
Coming from Ancient China to the West through the Silk Road, paper revolutionised how we communicate...
IWD: The Meaning of Woman
Who are these women you speak of, who can walk 5 miles in 6 inch heels and hold 7 different things in one hand, yet couldn’t undo a jar of pickles if their lives depended on it?
The Sound of Secrecy: What's So Appealing about Vinyl?
Music is being exploited, used as a decoy to manipulate us. What becomes your ‘favourite’ song will be guided by tech giants if you let them...
Musings on Routine, Told Through Pizza Mania
I knew it could only be one thing: the result of a fierce oven pizza habit. I had developed it over lockdown, and it had to stop...
Undressing the Mistress: On Other Women and Etymology
Humans are fallible, sometimes they cheat. And though they do a fair amount of cheating the mundane – taxes, say, or maths tests – they also cheat their partners…
Monstrous Sympathy: What Horror Films Say About Humans
We have always been fascinated by bodies that defy categorisation and the terrifying, unknown possibilities that these humanlike inhuman creatures present...
War & Alchemy: The Story of Prussian Blue
The blue shade was synthesized accidentally in German scientist Johann Dippel’s laboratory, after he failed to alchemize gold...
In Defence of the British Seaside
Cold legs. Cornettos. Peeing in the sea. Where else would you find such a bizarre but strangely charming concoction of experiences? The seaside holiday is a British institution, a repository of our cultural identity...
The Curious World of Productivity Apps
I’m typing. If I stop typing for more than five seconds, everything I’ve written will be deleted. If I pause for just a moment, the text will start to fade and the edges of the screen will turn blood red. Just keep going. At least I’m writing. Is it good writing? I don’t know anymore. I was only trying to be productive...
What’s in a Selfie?
For as long as people have been taking photos, they’ve been taking photos of themselves…